< BackLiability declaration for hobby kart drivers
I came to Piko Hobikross Ltd LaitseRallyPark on my own wish and voluntarily;
I am not under the influence of alcohol or drugs and won’t use these substances before going on the track or when staying at the driving tracks territory of LaitseRallyPark;
My health condition and skills allow me to use rented karts at the LaitseRallyPark territory safely;
Piko Hobikross OÜ instructor has taught me to use the kart car, informed me about the specific use of the kart car; safety technique, risks and potential consequences involved with driving, avoiding dangerous situations and rescue methods. I have listened to everything told by the instructor carefully, understood this and remember it;
I understand that using the sports car and being on the racing track or its territory involves risks and I take away responsibility from Piko Hobikross OÜ and its employees towards me, and towards any potential financial and non-financial damages and body injuries that result from using the sports car and driving on the tracks;
I take full accountability for risks associated with using the kart car and driving on competition track or staying at LaitseRallyPark, and in case of an accident or other incidents I won’t claim for financial or non-financial damages to Piko Hobikross OÜ or its employees;
I take full responsibility for the kart car and special equipment given to my use, use the with a good will and with care, and commit to returning them at the agreed time in the similar condition.
If a damage occurs as a result of my actions or inabilities, then I compensate all damages (including damages to the kart car) according to Piko Hobikross OÜ price list, third parties according to the calculations presented by them. I have introduced myself to the repair works price list from Piko Hobikross OÜ. The maximum amount of personal liability compensation for damages caused to PikoHobiKross OÜ kart car will be €5000 plus 20% VAT;
I acknowledge that mechanical faults of the kart car, which are not caused by me and have occurred beyond my control, are not subject to my compensation;
I am at least 18 years old with a legal capacity. I have met the declaration content above and understand it.
Parent or guardian will take responsibility for the underage driver by signing the declaration. If the underage driver doesn’t have accompanying the person to take the responsibility, then they are only allowed on the track with their parent’s written consent. The home address and parent’s´ contact number must be included on the consent.
Sünnipäevasid on endiselt võimalik broneerida K-P kellaaegadele:
Sünnipäevapeo broneerimiseks palume kirjutada info@laitserallypark.ee või broneerida peopakett läbi kodulehel oleva broneerimissüsteemi www.laitserallypark.ee
Info tel 671 6067
N 15:00-20:00
R 11:00-20.00
L 11:00-20.00
P 11:00-20:00
Palume sõiduajad broneerida läbi kodulehe
NB! Jääkardiraja saadavus võib mõjutada kardikeskuse lahtiolekuaegu!
Lastekartidega sõidud toimuvad kindlatel kellaaegadel, mis on nähtavad broneerimissüsteemis (elavas järjekorras võimaluse piires ka muudel aegadel)
Võistluspakette on võimalik broneerida meili teel info@laitserallypark.ee
Rallisõidu aegasid on võimalik broneerida läbi kodulehe või helistades tel 671 6067, kirjutades info@laitserallypark.ee
Vaba rada treeninguteks
Rallikrossi formaat (rajale pääseb kuni 12 masinat):
kolmapäeviti (noored, kuni 15a.) 17.00-19.00
neljapäeviti 16:00-20:00
pühapäeviti 15:00-19:00
NB! Raja saadavust palume kontrollida broneerimissüsteemist (et ei oleks ees sündmuse broneeringut)!
Üksikkülastajale laupäeviti kell 12:00-16:00
Gruppidele (alates 10 inimest) eelneva kokkuleppe alusel
Info tel 671 6067
E – R 09.00-17.00
Info tel 53444569