< BackUnic rent
All cars from the collection are technically sound and can be legally driven on the road. Most of the cars are registered under museum car registry and have black number plates.
All cars from the collection can be rented for different events and rides. One of the most important conditions of rent is to rent it always with a supervisor or driver from our team and the rent fee starts from the minimum two hour period.
As the meaning and execution of each client and event is unique then we suggest always asking us for an individual offer.
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for weddings
Rent for video shoots
Soviet Car rent
Soviet Car rent
Soviet Car rent
Soviet Car rent
Rent for style party
Rent for club rides
There are vehicles from different styles and eras in LaitseRallyPark private car collection. Almost all vehicles can be driven legally on streets and can be rented for weddings. Depending on the request and weather you can select from closed roof cars and also from open and convertible cars. Make the most important day of your life even more special and memorable with a unique and special wedding car. You can come and meet the cars beforehand at LaitseRallyPark Expo exhibition area.
The antique cars of LaitseRallyPark have taken part of different photo sessions and movie shooting at various places in Estonia. Depending on the era, you can find different vehicles in the collection that fit in with created atmosphere or act as the main part of the movie.
There are several Soviet cars in the LaitseRallyPark collection, which can be rented also without the driver. The retro machines can offer stylish transport for parties, gatherings and also for everyday needs.
A true party can be kicked off with the matching period car in front of your door, which can be used to capture the perfect costume on a photograph. Antique car from the matching time period provides an unforgettable experience of driving to the style party.
There are several antique car gatherings and outings to different places in Estonia and our neighbouring countries every year. The vehicles from LaitseRallyPark can be rented for club rides as well. This is a good way to experience the lifestyle of people from those type of groups.
Sünnipäevasid on endiselt võimalik broneerida K-P kellaaegadele:
Sünnipäevapeo broneerimiseks palume kirjutada info@laitserallypark.ee või broneerida peopakett läbi kodulehel oleva broneerimissüsteemi www.laitserallypark.ee
Info tel 671 6067
N 15:00-20:00
R 11:00-20.00
L 11:00-20.00
P 11:00-20:00
Palume sõiduajad broneerida läbi kodulehe
NB! Jääkardiraja saadavus võib mõjutada kardikeskuse lahtiolekuaegu!
Lastekartidega sõidud toimuvad kindlatel kellaaegadel, mis on nähtavad broneerimissüsteemis (elavas järjekorras võimaluse piires ka muudel aegadel)
Võistluspakette on võimalik broneerida meili teel info@laitserallypark.ee
Rallisõidu aegasid on võimalik broneerida läbi kodulehe või helistades tel 671 6067, kirjutades info@laitserallypark.ee
Vaba rada treeninguteks
Rallikrossi formaat (rajale pääseb kuni 12 masinat):
kolmapäeviti (noored, kuni 15a.) 17.00-19.00
neljapäeviti 16:00-20:00
pühapäeviti 15:00-19:00
NB! Raja saadavust palume kontrollida broneerimissüsteemist (et ei oleks ees sündmuse broneeringut)!
Üksikkülastajale laupäeviti kell 12:00-16:00
Gruppidele (alates 10 inimest) eelneva kokkuleppe alusel
Info tel 671 6067
E – R 09.00-17.00
Info tel 53444569