< BackInternal rules in the traffic city and game house
- Entering the traffic city and game house and using the services at the children’s area is priced according to a valid price list.
- Children at traffic city and game house are there under parents or guardians supervision. Parents or guardians accompanying children are responsible for any injuries that may happen to children while playing.
- For a more comfortable time at the game house and in order to keep it clean, please take off shoes and overcoats when entering the game house.
- The wardrobe in the game house is for public use, please make sure to take responsibility for your own belongings.
- When spending time in the game house:
- food and drinks must be consumed only in dining room;
- toys must be returned to their original location after playing;
- all inside toys must be kept inside and not taken outdoors.
- Use the kitchen with good will, keep cleanliness and place clean utilities that are borrowed from the game house kitchen back to where they belong.
- During group events there might be other clients in traffic city and game house aswell. Group event booking does not give the client the privilege for an exclusive private event!
- Traffic city has been created for educational purpose and the activities in the yard take place according to traffic rules in general. Any malicious and dangerous activity and excessive speeding is forbidden.
- Smoking in the traffic city and on the territory of the game house is strictly forbidden. Smoking on the LaitseRallyPark territory is only allowed at the dedicated and marked places.
- Consuming alcohol is only allowed at exclusive events and in case of previous agreement.
- If a guest in traffic city and game house has shown malicious behaviour and has become intrusive or dangerous to others, then LaitseRallyPark employees have the right to call them to order or remove them from the territory if necessary without refunding the entry fee.
- The client is responsible for damages they have caused while being on the territory of traffic city and game house and will compensate the damages to LaitseRallyPark or fellow citizen accordingly.
Sünnipäevasid on endiselt võimalik broneerida K-P kellaaegadele:
Sünnipäevapeo broneerimiseks palume kirjutada info@laitserallypark.ee või broneerida peopakett läbi kodulehel oleva broneerimissüsteemi www.laitserallypark.ee
Info tel 671 6067
N 15:00-20:00
R 11:00-20.00
L 11:00-20.00
P 11:00-20:00
Palume sõiduajad broneerida läbi kodulehe
NB! Jääkardiraja saadavus võib mõjutada kardikeskuse lahtiolekuaegu!
Lastekartidega sõidud toimuvad kindlatel kellaaegadel, mis on nähtavad broneerimissüsteemis (elavas järjekorras võimaluse piires ka muudel aegadel)
Võistluspakette on võimalik broneerida meili teel info@laitserallypark.ee
Rallisõidu aegasid on võimalik broneerida läbi kodulehe või helistades tel 671 6067, kirjutades info@laitserallypark.ee
Vaba rada treeninguteks
Rallikrossi formaat (rajale pääseb kuni 12 masinat):
kolmapäeviti (noored, kuni 15a.) 17.00-19.00
neljapäeviti 16:00-20:00
pühapäeviti 15:00-19:00
NB! Raja saadavust palume kontrollida broneerimissüsteemist (et ei oleks ees sündmuse broneeringut)!
Üksikkülastajale laupäeviti kell 12:00-16:00
Gruppidele (alates 10 inimest) eelneva kokkuleppe alusel
Info tel 671 6067
E – R 09.00-17.00
Info tel 53444569